Sunday, 30 December 2012

just smile.

aw man, my shitty sunday at work just got a million times better thanks to tweets from Bo :) for those who don't know, Bo Bruce was a finalist on BBC The Voice UK Series 1. since the show finished, i've been welcomed into a twitter community of fans of her who have all been followed/tweeted/DMed by Bo, and some of us (eek yep, me included) have even met her :) anyways, it's just a wonderful feeling when she appears in my mentions. averagely rubbish day at work today, and tomorrow isn't even mentionable r/n, but i'm just smiling about stupid things like good food and my comfy bed and nice music and other miscellaneous smiley things. idek what i've got to look forward to especially but at least with more hours at work i am kept occupied and moving forward. actually i love doing mundane things like going food shopping and going for little walks in my spare time. i need to start planning some nice things for 2013, like a trip to london and a holiday and stuff like that to keep my eyes open and my heart happy. anyways i'm rambling so here's a lovely pic of Bo to sign off. x

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