ok, it's been such a while. i expect that gives you a good idea of how m e n t a l life has been in recent weeks. life is literally work, eat, breathe. my hours have changed massively and it's something i'm none too happy about, but there's little i can do. working for two different branches was always going to do more harm than good; where my happiness lies with one branch, my deep sadness lies in the other. this job has been a fairly shocking and revelatory introduction to the working world and how things go so wrong. gradually i'm gathering knowledge and evidence which i hope will earn me successful revenge when i do leave. it's been a massive eye-opener about unprofessionalism, bullying in the workplace and just downright nastiness. all i can take away from it is knowing i'm not in the wrong; my head held high, i've achieved a great deal on my own and no one can deny that.
i suppose it really isn't long now until i'm flying the nest again for my second attempt at university. that's another terrifying thought, but somewhat less terrifying than the prospect of living like this any longer.

just because, she is like so fucking flawless.
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